run hard, or go home
run hard, or go home

The Power of Visualization: Realizing your Future in Today.

I have a friend and former colleague that has been fighting cancer this past year.  I am reaching the age in my life where such things can happen and as I witness these happenings, I am reminded how we really are. . . all of us. . . dying.  

Youth is beautiful, vital, and life affirming which makes it so powerful a force to have in a company.  When individuals are young, things are done with the spirit of ‘why not?’ versus ‘why bother?’

Although many young companies learn the tough lesson of choice; they learn the lesson of finite resources running out of time well in advance of the 5 year mark where 80% of all businesses fail.

So the lesson for youth, be clear about the choices that you make. Own your direction.  For the seasoned professional, understand your own value in the workforce;  Market and brand yourself accordingly. Be sure to catalogue your failures as much as you do your successes, since there just might be a golden lesson inside for the sharing.

Plan for tomorrow — youth teaches us that — but take head that the sun will set.  In the end, you will need to own whether you have truly lived, today, with the passion that its gift represents.  Visualize your future, and make it today.  

Remember, run hard. . .

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