run hard, or go home
run hard, or go home

Career Management. . . Coarse 101

There is one lesson, consistently, I mean consistently mismanaged by most technologists:  their network. Ironically, it’s what gives birth to the staffing industry because when it comes time to move on to a new position, individuals are at a loss on who to call.  It’s not surprising.  Many of the individuals which are highly successful in technology or finance and accounting tend to be extremely introverted people.  They focus on the task at hand; they grind away until the resulting product or deliverable has a sharp point on it.  Ironically, the very skill set that enables them to produce that sharp point often leads them to falling on it when the chips are down.  The exception to the rule are technologists that have worked in the professional services space.  They understand first hand only by actively engaging people around them will they get their next job.  So, if you are a technologist and you happen to know the birthday of your former boss or co-worker, come out of hiding and drop her an email.  It can’t hurt and might just lead you to your next job.

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